Every day I am so thankful God called me to pastor Calvary Church. It amazes me to see how He is continually moving in the lives of our congregation. 2015 was an exciting year for us as we saw God continue to grow our church both numerically and spiritually. God used many of you to accomplish His mission for Calvary Church.  This annual report is meant to celebrate how, through the power and leading of God's Spirit, we were able to do far above what we could have hoped or imagined.  2016 promises to be even greater as we all continue to take great steps of faith together. Thank you for the opportunity to serve such a great church.


click on each letter to view information

TRUTH For Where You're At


When we give a tenth of our income (tithe), we are both supporting the work of the Gospel and being obedient to God’s commands. God doesn’t really need our money, but He desires our obedience. When offering a tithe, you are placing God in the highest position of value in your life and worshipping Him in the process. Sacrificial giving makes a statement of faith to God that says, “I trust You. I have faith that You provided what I currently have, and You will provide all that I need.”

Then the people rejoiced because they had offered so willingly,

for they made their offering to the Lord with a whole heart

                                                                                              - 1 Chronicles 29:9

Capital & Ministry
Operating Expenses: $2,253,893

We Exist To Help People Grow In Their Relationship With Jesus

Through The Teaching Of God's Word


If you have any questions about the Annual Report, or would like to have a PDF copy of the information, feel free to contact us.